How do I place an order?

To place an order, simply browse our website, select the desired items, and proceed to checkout. Owning exquisite jewellery from Krivoya has never been easier!

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and UPI.

Can I modify or cancel my order after placing it?

No modifications can be made once an order is placed. However, you can cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it.

How can I track my order?

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number via SMS/WhatsApp. You can use this tracking number to monitor the status and delivery of your package.

What is your return/exchange policy?

We're committed to your satisfaction. While we don't offer returns, we're happy to assist with exchanges for damaged or incorrect products within 2 days of delivery. Simply reach out to us at krivoyabyvoila@gmail.com, and we'll ensure you receive the right item.

Do you offer international shipping?

We offer shipping worldwide. Shipping fees and delivery times may vary.

Is my personal information secure?

Absolutely! We take the security of your personal information seriously and use industry-standard encryption technology to protect it.

Is there a warranty on your jewellery?

Yes, we stand behind the quality of our jewellery. While we don't offer a specific warranty period, we assure you that our pieces are crafted with the utmost care. By following our recommended care tips, your jewellery will maintain its pristine condition for a lifetime.

How should I care for my jewellery?

To assist you in caring for your Krivoya jewellery, we've curated a list of instructions to keep your pieces looking their best. You can find the care tips

Can I visit a physical store?

Yes, we have physical stores located in Ludhiana, Indore and Kanpur. Visit us for a personalised shopping experience.

What materials are used in your jewellery?

We select only the finest materials, including 24kt Gold Micron Plated Silver Alloy, adorned with imported Austrian cut Diamond look-alike stones, semi-precious colored stones, Kundan, and freshwater pearls. Each piece is carefully made to reflect our commitment to quality and style.

How can I contact customer support?

You can contact our customer support team via email at krivoyabyvoila@gmail.com

Do you offer gift cards?

You can contact our customer support team via email aa Yes, we offer gift cards in various denominations, making them the perfect gift for any occasion. Purchase a gift card online and send it directly to your recipient's email inbox for instant gifting! krivoyabyvoila@gmail.com

How do I determine the right size for rings, bracelets, etc.?

For accurate sizing guidance on rings, bracelets, and other items for you, we recommend consulting a local jeweller. Our sizing charts on the website reflect standard sizing measurements.

What is the Krivoya Membership?

Join our exclusive membership program to unlock a world of benefits! Contribute a fixed amount monthly to grow your membership balance. Once your balance reaches a threshold, use it to indulge guilt-free in stunning Krivoya jewellery. Learn more about our membership program [link] or reach out to 9988877470